Sakai, S.; Takiguchi, H.; Toyama, Y.; Gang, Yu. (2011) Organohalogen Compounds, 73: 2213-2216

 To control the unintentional formation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), we need to compile emission
inventories of the types of release sources, the emission amounts, and the environmental media through which exposure to POPs occurs. In accordance with the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Chemicals has been compiling emission inventory data on polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/DFs) on a global scale, and some of the results of an analysis of these data have been reported by Fiedler1. The industrial structure in East Asia has been changing as a result of recent remarkable economic growth, and the amounts of waste are therefore increasing. Compilation of an integrated inventory of unintentional POPs in East Asian countries is therefore important for a better understanding of the sources of emission of these compounds in each country within the region. Additionally, such an inventory is likely to be an important tool for evaluating the availability of best available techniques and best environmental practices (BAT/BEP), as well as in effective BAT/BEP application. Since 2006, the Japanese government has hosted the Workshop on Reduction of Unintentional POPs in East Asian Countries. The 1st workshop was an opportunity for representatives from East Asian countries to meet and share information on the implementation of an emission inventory for East Asia and on BAT/BEP in order to promote continuing efforts to reduce the emissions of unintentional POPs in each country.
