Sakai, S.; Yano, J.; Muroi, T.; Watanabe, N. (2013) Presented at ISWA 2013 World Congress, Vienna, Austria, October 9, 2013

The management of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) has become an important global issue. As technology has advanced, the material value of ELVs has changed dramatically. We conducted an ELV dismantling survey in November 2012. The material composition of vehicle components was analysed quantitatively and qualitatively to inform the resource and hazard perspectives of ELV management. Two ELVs were dismantled: one was a conventional vehicle produced in 1997 and the other was a hybrid vehicle produced in 1998. The conventional and hybrid vehicles had 0.74 kg and 2.5 kg of printed circuit boards associated with the driving control units respectively. Quantitative and qualitative analysis showed more than 100 mg/kg of substances such as Ni, Mn and In. The printed circuit boards in the hybrid vehicle tended to contain higher concentrations of substances than those in the conventional vehicle. These results imply that the value of ELVs will increase in the future as more hybrid vehicles are decommissioned. The magnet used for driving motor in the hybrid vehicle contained high concentrations of rare earths: 21.2% Nd, 8.3% Dy and 5.5% Sr. It was estimated that hybrid vehicles in Japan contain 490 t-Nd and 190 t-Dy, representing 11.4% and 31.7% respectively of annual domestic demand. Interior materials in the conventional vehicle weighed 130 kg while those in the hybrid vehicle weighed 94 kg. In total, 8 of 56 measuring points contained Pb concentrations of more than 100 ppm. In terms of hazard management, interior materials might be a source for Pb contamination of automobile shredder residue (ASR). Future studies should conduct continuous analysis of components such as secondary batteries. Future studies will analyse material- and substance flows in order to evaluate both the commercial value and hazards presented by ELVs, and to consider appropriate recycling strategies.
