Myo Min Win; Yano, J.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S. (2017) The 4th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, pp. P-2-3
Utilization of multi-biomasses approach is more advantageous in relating to reducing the waste-related environmental problems and for the development of renewable energy sources as viable alternative energy production from waste biomass. With Yangon as a focus, this work will study on the estimation of the potential biomass generation from different types of waste produced in current and future timeline of Yangon, It will be the preliminary work of quantifying the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for different waste management processes by assessing the GHG reduction performance of waste biomasses using the scenario analysis and uncertainty analysis. So, the estimation process of waste biomasses will be considered for integrated utilization, covering to the organic fractions of municipal solid waste (MSW; i.e., food, wood, and paper), agricultural waste (i.e., rice straw and rice husk), and livestock (pig) sludge produced in Yangon city, Myanmar. The results showed the increasing rates of organic MSW, agricultural, and livestock during current and future are 305%, 145%, and 181%, respectively, and MSW showed the highest increasing rate. Therefore, developing the treatment and/or utilization system is significant to reduce environmental burden in the future.