Yano, J.; Sakai, S. (2017) The 4th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, pp. A-6-3
Biomass-based plastic was expected to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fossil fuel consumption. This study aimed to estimate the reduction potential of GHG emissions by using biomass-based garbage bag to collect household waste in Kyoto city through life cycle analysis. Totally six scenarios were considered basing on three type of waste collection system. The scenario which there were no source separate collection was considered as baseline scenario. Bio-PE made from ethanol from sugarcane and PLA made from corn were considered as biomass-based materials. The results showed that, if Bio-PE was introduced, GHG emissions were reduced by more than 90% compared with baseline scenario. Although introducing PLA for the source separate collection of food waste results in increasing GHG emissions, it was less than 100 t-
CO2eq/yr. This study estimated maximum potential as 100% replacement fossil derived PE with Bio-PE was assumed. Therefore, when clarifying the actual GHG reduction, blending rate needs to be considered.