Koga, Y.; Higuchi, T.; Matsuo, Y.; Ueno, D.; Takahashi, S.; Kuwae, M.; Kadokami, K.; Miyawaki, T.; Matsukami, H.; Kuramochi, H.; Sakai, S. (2019) 39th International Symposium on Haloganated Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. 741
Introduction: It has been working on finding the chemicals having properties of being similar to POPs (POPsrelated chemicals). To screen and identify POPs-related chmemicals in the environmemt, our research group has employs an analytical technique "target screening analysis with the automated identification and quantification system (TSA-AIQS)". AIQS can identify and semiquantify chemicals by using information of retention times, mass spectra, and internal standard calibration curves registered in GC-MS and LC-MS databases1. AIQS enables the rapid identification and semiquantitation of approximately 1500 micropollutants in the environmental media by means of GC-MS and LC-MS. It has been applied as an appropriate reseach method to natural disasters such as earthquakes2. To find out the POPs-related chemicals in the environment, the comprehensive analysis of TSAAIQS was applied to a sediment core sample collected in Japan. The objective of this study is listing up the candidate of POPs relating chemicals which shows increasing temoral trend from past to recent year in sediment core samples.