Journal Articles
Dien, NT.; Hirai, Y.; Honda, Y.; Yano, J.; Sakai, S. (2019) "Monitoring of volatile organic compounds in a laboratory drainage system at Kyoto University." Journal of Environment and Safety, 10(2): 71-83
Poudel, R.; Hirai, Y.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S. (2019) "Field study of disaster waste management and disposal status of debris after Gorkha Earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 21: 753-765
Dien, N.T.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2017) "In-use polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) stocks and atmospheric emissions in Japan." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 19(4): 1342-1350
Dien, N.T.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Correlation between Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Concentrations in Air." Environmental Science & Technology, 51(1): 356-364
Yano J.; Aoki T.; Nakamura K.; Yamada K.; Sakai S. (2015) "Life cycle assessment of hydrogenated biodiesel production from waste cooking oil using the catalytic cracking and hydrogenation method." Waste Management, 38: 409-423
Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Okamoto, K.; Sakai, S. (2014) "Dynamic flow analysis of current and future end-of-life vehicles generation and lead content in automobile shredder residue." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 16(1): 52-61
中川 浩行; 本田 由治; 酒井 伸一 (2013) "UV/O3処理装置を用いた水中の1,4-ジオキサンの分解." 環境と安全, 3(4): 171-176
Osada, M.; Takamiya, K.; Manako, K.; Noguchi, M.; Sakai, S. (2013) "Demonstration study of high temperature melting for asbestos-containing waste (ACW)." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 15(1): 25-36
長田守弘; 真名子一隆; 平井康宏; 酒井伸一 (2012) "自動車破砕残渣 (ASR) の資源化・処理に関するライフサイクルアセスメント ." 廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌, 23(6): 264-278
Takigami, H.; Suzuki, G.; Sakai, S. (2010) "Screening of dioxin-like compounds in bio-composts and their materials: chemical analysis and fractionation-directed evaluation of AhR ligand activities using an in vitro bioassay." Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12(11): 2080-2087
Suzuki, G.; Someya, M.; Takahashi, S.; Tanabe, S.; Sakai, S.; Takigami, H. (2010) "Dioxin-like activity in Japanese indoor dusts evaluated by means of in vitro bioassay and instrumental analysis: Brominated dibenzofurans are an important contributor." Environmental Science & Technology, 44(21): 8330-8336
本田 由治; 山口 裕也; 酒井 伸一 (2010) "偏光顕微鏡を用いたバルク試料中に含まれるアスベストの分析-京都大学にある実験機器を対象にした分析研究-." 環境と安全, 1(2): 3-14
Sato, M.; Takigami, H.; Hayakawa, K.; Sakai, S. (2010) "Water-quality monitoring technique for dioxins during dredging using on-site solid phase extraction with graphitic carbon and analysis with DR-CALUX." J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng, 45(7): 867-874
Morimoto, M.; Nakagawa, H.; Miura, K. (2010) "Conversion of a Wide Range of Low-Rank Coals into Upgraded Coals and Thermoplastic Extracts Having Similar Chemical and Physical Properties Using Degradative Hydrothermal Extraction." Energy & Fuels, 24(5): 3060-3065
Yoshida, H.; Takahashi, K.; Takeda, N.; Sakai, S. (2009) "Japan's waste management policies for dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 11(3): 229-243
Suzuki, G.; Kida, A.; Sakai, S.; Takigami, H. (2009) "Existence state of bromine as an indicator of the source of brominated flame retardants in indoor dust." Environmental Science & Technology, 43(5): 1437-1442
Magazine Articles
三浦 孝一; 中川 浩行; 井戸 聡 (2009) "イオン交換樹脂を原料とした高性能炭素担持金属触媒の開発 (特集 炭素材料-熱い注目を集める材料)." 触媒, 51(1): 32-38
Conference Proceedings
向由佳; 矢野順也; 浅利美鈴 (2021) "リユースを含むガラスびん循環利用に関する環境負荷の現状把握." 第32回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演原稿, pp. 135-136
Li, T.; Asari, M.;Hirai, Y.; Yano, J.; Sakai, S. (2019) "Investigation towards tourism waste in Kyoto City through in-street bin composition survey." Proceedings of The 30th Annual Conference of JSMCWM, pp. 527-528
水谷 聡; 正木 祥太; 貫上 佳則; 酒井 伸一 (2019) "24 年間保管した薬剤処理飛灰からの重金属の溶出挙動." 第30回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集, pp. 503-504
Dien, NT.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2019) "FACTORS INFLUENCING ATMOSPHERIC CONCENTRATIONS OF SHORT-CHAIN CHLORINATED PARAFFINS IN JAPAN." 39th International Symposium on Haloganated Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. 448
Tsunemitsu, T.; Yano, J.; Mizuhara, S.; Okuda, T.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S. (2019) "Flows, Stocks, and Generating Factors of Spray Cans and Cassette Cylinders." Presented at The 5th 3R International Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, Bangkok, Thailand, February 28, 2019
Tsuchimura, M.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S.; Tsukiji, M. (2019) "Analysis of consumption and disposal of plastic products to discuss plastic waste management in Pacific Island Countries." Presented at The 5th 3R International Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, Bangkok, Thailand, February 27, 2019
Dien, NT.; Hirai, Y.; Honda, Y.; Sakai, S. (2018) "Monitoring of volatile organic compounds in laboratory drainage system at Kyoto University." The 5th Asian Conference on Safety and Education in Laboratory, pp. O-81
Yano, J.; Yanagawa, R.; Shimano, Y.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S. (2018) "Current Status and Greenhouse Gas Emission Relate to Food Loss at Kyoto University CO-OP." Presented at Kyoto University International Symposium on "Food & Sustainability", Kyoto, Japan, October 29, 2018
哈布爾; 矢野 順也; 浅利 美鈴; 酒井 伸一 (2018) "京都大学における水銀使用製品の保有実態調査~環境安全保健機構と薬学研究科の調査事例紹介~." 第36回大学等環境安全協議会総会・研究発表会, pp. 21-22
Dien, NT.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Reducing In-Use Deca-Brominated Diphenyl Ether (deca-BDE) Stocks in Japan." Presented at 4th International Conference on Final Sinks, Kyoto, Japan, October 26, 2017
Habuer; Zhou, Y.; Takaoka, M. (2017) "Time-series excess mercury analysis in China." Presented at 4th International Conference on Final Sinks, Kyoto, Japan, October 26, 2017
Hirai, Y.;Dien, N.T.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Substance Flow and Environmental Control of Persistent Organic Pollutants." Presented at International Workshop on Waste Prevention and 3R Strategy 2017, Kyoto, Japan, October 24, 2017
Dien, N.T.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Trends of selected POP concentrations in Japanese air: a panel data analysis." 37th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. P275-E
Dien NT; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Effects of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height on Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether concentration in Air." BFR 2017, pp. PP-05
浅利 美鈴; 多島 良; 奥田 哲士; 切川 卓也 (2016) "広島土砂災害(平成26年8月)の処理プロセスの特徴及び律速点の考察." 第27回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集, pp. 141-142
本田 由治; 酒井 伸一 (2016) "フェライト化処理における実験廃液中のレアメタルの挙動について." 第34回大学等環境安全協議会総会・研修発表会要旨集, pp. 12-13
吳 佶鍾; 酒井 伸一; 矢野 順也 (2015) "韓国と日本の食品関連廃棄物の政策と推進状況の比較·分析." 第26回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集2015, pp. 223-224
Dien NT.; Hirai Y.; Miyazaki T.; Sakai S. (2015) "Atmospheric Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Levels and Their Seasonal Changes in Kyoto City." Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Brominated Flame Retardants (BFR2015), pp. O-41
Sakai S.; Ito T.; Kondo T.; Miyazaki T.; Furumoto T. (2015) "Current Status of Brominated Dioxin Emissions in Japan." Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Brominated Flame Retardants (BFR2015), pp. O-16
浅利 美鈴; 田崎 智宏; 酒井 伸一 (2013) "日本における廃乾電池の回収リサイクルに関する課題及び可能性." 第24回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集2013, pp. 67-68
矢野 順也; 李 鎔一; 浅利 美鈴; 酒井 伸一 (2013) "情報記憶媒体の国内フローと家庭内ストックに関する研究." 第24回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集2013, pp. 47-48
Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Tsubota, J.; Sakai, S. (2013) "SCENARIO ANALYSIS FOR RECYCLING SYSTEM OF BIOMASS-BASED PLASTIC CONTAINERS AND PACKAGING FROM HOUSEHOLD." Presented at ISWA 2013 World Congress, Vienna, Austria, October 9, 2013
酒井伸一; 滝上英孝 (2012) "臭素系難燃剤PBDEと臭素系ダイオキシン類." 第21回環境化学討論会講演要旨集, pp. 362-363
倉持 秀敏;滝上 英孝; 浅利 美鈴; 酒井 伸一 (2011) "震災で発生した海水被り廃木材および海中がれき廃木材の塩素含有量." 廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, 22: 159-160
本田 由治; 酒井 伸一 (2010) "バルク試料に含まれるアスベストの分析." 第26回大学等環境安全協議会 技術分科会要旨集, pp. 12
Takigami, H.; Suzuki, G.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2010) "Occurrence and Control of Brominated Flame Retardants in a Laundry Factory for Home and Office Cleaning Utensils." Presented at BFR2010, Kyoto, Japan, April 7, 2010
Suzuki, G.; Someya, M.; Takahashi, S.; Takigami, H.; Sakai, S.; Tanabe, S. (2010) "Dioxin-like Compounds in Japanese Indoor Dusts: Brominated Dibenzofurans Strongly Contribute to Dioxin-Like Activity Evaluated by In Vitro Bioassay." Presented at BFR2010, Kyoto, Japan, April 7, 2010
Kuramochi, H.; Sakai, S. (2010) "Measurement of vapor pressures of some PBDEs and HBCD diastereoisomers." Presented at BFR2010, Kyoto, Japan, April 7, 2010