Journal Articles
Dien, N. T.; Hirai, Y.; Koshiba, J.; Sakai, S. (2021) "Factors affecting multiple persistent organic pollutant concentrations in the air above Japan: A panel data analysis." Chemosphere, 277: 130356
Yoshida, T.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2020) "Meta-model of vertical air classification: A unified understanding of different separation curve models." Powder Technology, 383: 522-535
Dien, NT.; Hirai, Y.; Honda, Y.; Yano, J.; Sakai, S. (2019) "Monitoring of volatile organic compounds in a laboratory drainage system at Kyoto University." Journal of Environment and Safety, 10(2): 71-83
Poudel, R.; Hirai, Y.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S. (2019) "Field study of disaster waste management and disposal status of debris after Gorkha Earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 21: 753-765
Koshiba, J.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2019) "Historical and future polychlorinated biphenyl emission trends in Japan." Chemosphere, 232: 387-395
Poudel, R.; Hirai, Y.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S. (2018) "Establishment of unit generation rates of building debris in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, after the Gorkha earthquake." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 20(3): 1163-1675
Sakai, S., et al. (2017) "Waste prevention for sustainable resource and waste management." J Mater Cycles Waste Manag, 19(4): 1295-1313
Dien, N.T.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2017) "In-use polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) stocks and atmospheric emissions in Japan." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 19(4): 1342-1350
Dien, N.T.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Correlation between Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Concentrations in Air." Environmental Science & Technology, 51(1): 356-364
Dien, N.T.; Hirai, Y.; Miyazaki, T.; Sakai, S. (2016) "Factors influencing atmospheric concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in Japan." Chemosphere, 144: 2073-2080
Nakanoya, S.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2015) "Solid Waste Management and Water Recovery for Future Manned Space Exploration." Environmental & Sanitary Engineering Research, 29(1): 30-36
Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S.; Tsubota, J. (2014) "Greenhouse gas emissions from the treatment of household plastic containers and packaging: Replacement with biomass-based materials." Waste Management & Research, 32(4): 304-316
Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Okamoto, K.; Sakai, S. (2014) "Dynamic flow analysis of current and future end-of-life vehicles generation and lead content in automobile shredder residue." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 16(1): 52-61
Yano, J.; Asari, M.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2013) "Analysis of Experimental Test Data on the Use of Regional Renewable Energy for Achieving Low-Carbon Campus -Challenging at Kyoto University." Journal of Environment and Safety, 4(2): 111-119
Bastian, L.; Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2013) "Behavior of PCDD/Fs during open burning of municipal solid waste in open dumping sites." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 15(2): 229-241
Bastian, L.; Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2013) "Greenhouse gas emissions from biogenic waste treatment: options and uncertainty." Joural of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 15(1): 49-60
Osada, M.; Takamiya, K.; Manako, K.; Noguchi, M.; Sakai, S. (2013) "Demonstration study of high temperature melting for asbestos-containing waste (ACW)." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 15(1): 25-36
長田守弘; 真名子一隆; 平井康宏; 酒井伸一 (2012) "自動車破砕残渣 (ASR) の資源化・処理に関するライフサイクルアセスメント ." 廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌, 23(6): 264-278
Matsuda, T.; Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2012) "Life cycle greenhouse gas inventory analysis of household waste management and food waste reduction activities in Kyoto, Japan." International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17(6): 743-752
池松達人; 平井康宏; 酒井伸一 (2012) "産業廃棄物税による廃棄物の排出・処理フローへの課税効果の品目別分析." 廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌, 23(2): 85-99
矢野順也; 浅利美鈴; 平井康宏; 酒井伸一 (2012) "地域の再生可能エネルギーを利用した大学キャンパス空調システムのエネルギー及びCO2削減効果の推定." エネルギー・資源学会論文誌, 33(2): 26-33
矢野 順也; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一; 出口 晋吾 (2010) "廃木材利用による温室効果ガス削減効果の現在と将来の比較解析-低炭素社会の代替物変化による影響." 環境衛生工学研究, 24(1): 8-16
相澤 寛史; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2009) "日本における小型電気電子機器のリサイクル." 廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌, 20(6): 371-382
池松 達人; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2009) "家庭ごみ有料化施策におけるごみ減量効果の検討-京都府内自治体を対象としたパネルデータ分析-." 環境システム研究論文集, 37: 369-376
Takigami, H.; Suzuki, G.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2009) "Brominated flame retardants and other polyhalogenated compounds in indoor air and dust from two houses in Japan." Chemosphere, 76(2): 270-277
Takigami, H; Suzuki, G; Hirai, Y; Sakai, S (2008) "Transfer of brominated flame retardants from components into dust inside television cabinets." Chemosphere, 73(2): 161-169
Zhu, JX; Hirai, Y; Sakai, S; Zheng, MH (2008) "Potential source and emission analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans in China." Chemosphere, 73(1): S72-S77
Zhu, H.X.; Hirai, Y.; Yu, G.; Sakai, S. (2008) "Levels of polychlorinated debenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in China and chemometric analysis of potential emission sources." Chemosphere, 70(4): 703-711
平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2006) "使用済み自動車用鉛バッテリーのフロー推定." 廃棄物学会論文誌, 17(6): 404-415
Sakai, S.; Hirai, Y.; Aizawa, H.; Ota, S.; Muroishi, Y. (2006) "Emission inventory of deca-brominated diphenyl ether (DBDE) in Japan." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 8(1): 56-62
Magazine Articles
平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2018) "ポリ臭素化ジフェニルエーテルのマテリアルフロー解析と環境動態." 廃棄物資源循環学会誌, 29(6): 442-451
平井 康宏 (2017) "PCBの環境挙動と処理効果に関する一考察 (特集 PCB処理の経緯と処理完遂への展望)." 廃棄物資源循環学会誌, 28(2): 143-148
平井康宏 (2011) "金属資源の物質フローとリサイクル・廃棄物管理." 廃棄物資源循環学会誌, 22(4): 312
酒井伸一; 平井康宏 (2011) "レアメタル分析手法相互検証への取り組み その2." 廃棄物資源循環学会誌, 22(1): 86
酒井 伸一; 平井 康宏 (2010) "レアメタル分析手法相互検証への取り組み." 廃棄物資源循環学会誌, 21(1): 52
矢野 順也; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一; 出口 晋吾 (2009) "廃棄物系バイオマス利用による温室効果ガス削減効果の現在と将来の比較解析-低炭素社会の代替物変化による影響-." 環境衛生工学研究, 23(3): 212-219
池松 達人; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2009) "家庭ごみ有料化施策におけるごみ減量効果に関する研究-71自治体を対象としたパネルデータ分析-." 環境衛生工学研究, 23(3): 139-146
平井 康宏 (2008) "アジアにおける資源回収と有害化学物質汚染の現状と課題." 化学物質と環境, No. 89: 10-12
酒井 伸一; 平井 康宏; 矢野 順也 (2008) "廃食用油をはじめとする京都バイオマス有効利用シナリオのLCA評価 (環境をめぐる視点 特集 脱温暖化に向けたバイオマス利活用)." 環境保全, 22: 31-43
酒井 伸一; 平井 康宏; 浅利 美鈴 (2007) "特集記事 環境分野のフロンティア-循環型社会と廃棄物管理に関するシステム研究." 環境衛生工学研究, 21(4): 5-11
酒井 伸一; 平井 康宏 (2007) "廃棄物分野からの温室効果ガス排出について(特集 廃棄物処理と地球温暖化対策)." 都市清掃, 60(278): 332-338
平井 康宏 (2006) "電気・電子機器の有害物質使用制限RoHS指令の発効に向けた攻防および展望と課題." 化学物質と環境, No. 78: 11-12
Conference Proceedings
小柴絢一郎; 長野高明; 平井康宏; 酒井伸一 (2021) "短鎖塩素化パラフィンの大気中濃度推定および実測値との比較考察." 第32回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演原稿, pp. 405-406
竹内直輝; 平井康宏 (2021) "木質ボード中の合成系接着剤濃度推定." 第32回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演原稿, pp. 137-138
小柴絢一郎; 平井康宏; 酒井伸一 (2021) "大気中ポリ塩化ナフタレンの発生源に関する考察." 環境衛生工学研究, No. 3: 37-39
Hirai, Y.; Tsuchiya, Y.; Takeuchi, N.; Yano, J.; Sakai, S. (2021) "Reanalysis of Production Statistics on Wood-based Materials and Wood Adhesives in Japan By Data Reconciliation Method." The 7th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, pp. K-5
土谷悠真; 竹内直輝; 平井康宏; 矢野順也; 酒井伸一 (2021) "住宅残存率関数の検討および住宅における木材接着剤のストック・フロー推定." 第16回日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集, pp. 2-C2-03
平井 康宏 (2020) "木質材料用接着剤からの化石由来温室効果ガス排出量." Presented at 第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会, , September 18, 2020
小柴 絢一郎; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2020) "ポリ塩化ビフェニルの経年的排出量推定." 第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集, pp. 397-398
Oyama, S.; Hirai, Y.; Yano, J.; Sakai, S.; Ueda, H.; Kawanishi, S. (2020) "Uncertainty analysis of fossil carbon fraction in paper waste in Japan." The 6th 3R International Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, pp. C-6-3
Yano, J; Yanagawa R.; Asari M.; Hirai Y.; Sakai S. (2019) "Greenhouse gas reduction potential of household waste prevention including single-use products." Presented at The 5th International Conference on Final Sinks, Vienna, Austria, December 8, 2019
平井 康宏; 矢野 順也; 布施 泰朗; 酒井 伸一 (2019) "PRTR制度に係る化学物質の環境中への移行実態と対応策に関する研究." Presented at 第35回大学等環境安全協議会技術分科会, 浜松市, November 22, 2019
Li, T.; Asari, M.;Hirai, Y.; Yano, J.; Sakai, S. (2019) "Investigation towards tourism waste in Kyoto City through in-street bin composition survey." Proceedings of The 30th Annual Conference of JSMCWM, pp. 527-528
土谷 悠真; 平井 康宏; 浅利 美鈴; 酒井 伸一 (2019) "交換および解体を考慮した住宅屋根における石綿ストック・フローの動的推定." 第30回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集, pp. 469-470
Dien, NT.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2019) "FACTORS INFLUENCING ATMOSPHERIC CONCENTRATIONS OF SHORT-CHAIN CHLORINATED PARAFFINS IN JAPAN." 39th International Symposium on Haloganated Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. 448
Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2019) "Emission Factor for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) from waste PCB storage sites." 39th International Symposium on Haloganated Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. 353
Koshiba, J.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2019) "DYNAMIC ESTIMATION OF PCB EMISSIONS IN JAPAN." 39th International Symposium on Haloganated Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. 235
Oyama, S.; Hirai, Y.; Yano, J.; Sakai, S.; Ueda, H.; Kawanishi, S. (2019) "Estimation of Fossil Carbon Fraction in Paper Waste and Carbon Fraction in Plastic Waste Based on a Household Waste Composition Survey." Presented at The 5th 3R International Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, Bangkok, Thailand, February 27, 2019
Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2019) "Emission of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) from PCB Waste Storage Sites." Presented at The 5th 3R International Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, Bangkok, Thailand, February 27, 2019
Thet Ko Win; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2019) "Fosiil Carbon Fraction of Diapers in Japan." Presented at The 5th 3R International Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, Bangkok, Thailand, February 27, 2019
Dien, NT.; Hirai, Y.; Honda, Y.; Sakai, S. (2018) "Monitoring of volatile organic compounds in laboratory drainage system at Kyoto University." The 5th Asian Conference on Safety and Education in Laboratory, pp. O-81
Thet Ko Win; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2018) "Fossil CO2 Emission from Incineration of Diapers in Japan: From Calculated Fossil Carbon Fraction of Diapers in Dry Basis ." Proceedings of The 29th Annual Conference of JSMCWM, pp. 595-596
Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2018) "Emission factor for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from PCB waste storage sites." Proceedings of 38th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. 371
Koshiba, J.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2018) "Panel data analysis of environmental PCB in Japan: national and local concentration trends." Proceedings of 38th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. 500-503
矢野 順也; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2018) "オンサイト小型バイオガス化装置の小規模自治体導入効果のライフサイクル分析." 環境衛生工学研究, No. 3: 51-53
Poudel, R.; Hirai, Y.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S. (2018) "Disaster Waste Generation Rates of Buildings in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal after 2015 Gorkha Earthquake." Proceedings of 2018 Spring Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management, pp. 489
Dien, NT.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Reducing In-Use Deca-Brominated Diphenyl Ether (deca-BDE) Stocks in Japan." Presented at 4th International Conference on Final Sinks, Kyoto, Japan, October 26, 2017
Poudel, R.; Hirai, Y.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Unit Generation Rates for Disaster Waste and Estimation of Organic Waste-Case in 35 Wards of Kathmandu City." Presented at 4th International Conference on Final Sinks, Kyoto, Japan, October 25, 2017
Hirai, Y.;Dien, N.T.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Substance Flow and Environmental Control of Persistent Organic Pollutants." Presented at International Workshop on Waste Prevention and 3R Strategy 2017, Kyoto, Japan, October 24, 2017
Dien, N.T.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Trends of selected POP concentrations in Japanese air: a panel data analysis." 37th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. P275-E
Poudel, R.; Hirai, Y.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Disaster Waste Management Situation in Kathmandu Nepal: Two Years after the Gorkha Earthquake." Environmental & Sanitary Engineering Research, No. 3: 62-65
Dien NT; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Effects of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height on Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether concentration in Air." BFR 2017, pp. PP-05
Poudel, R.; Hirai, Y.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S. (2017) "Establishment of unit generation rates of buildings debris in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, after the Gorkha Earthquake." The 4th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, pp. B-2-1
Hirai, Y. (2016) "Emissions of PCBs from thermal sources and PCB waste in Japan ." Presented at The 9th International PCB Workshop, Kobe, October 12, 2016
Yano J; Yanagawa R.; Hirai Y.; Sakai S. (2016) "Greenhouse gas reduction effects by food loss prevention from business sectors." Proceedings of the 12th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance, pp. 3-E3-3
藤木 祐介; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2016) "パネルデータ分析による大気中PCB濃度のトレンド解析に関する研究." 第27回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集, pp. 485-486
平井 康宏 (2016) "PCB保管過程におけるPCBの存在と挙動." Presented at 第27回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会, , September 28, 2016
Dien NT.; Hirai Y.; Sakai S. (2016) "Implication of policy measures on reducing in-use stocks of Deca-brominated diphenyl ether (deca-BDE) in Japan." Presented at Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Combustion, Incineration/Pyrolysis, Emission and Climate Change (9th i-CIPEC), Kyoto, Japan, September 22, 2016
Sakai, S.; Hirai, Y.; Ito, T.; Miyazaki, T.; Furumoto, T. (2016) "MEARSUREMENTS TRIAL AND CURRENT STATUS OF BROMINATED DIOXIN EMISSIONS." Proceedings of 36th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutions, pp. 8.10012
Hirai, Y.; Fujiki, Y.; Sakai, S. (2016) "Emission Inventory for PCBs in Japan from 2003 to 2013." 36th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. S3.2002
Dien, NT.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2016) "Estimation of In-Use Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) Stocks in Japan." The 3rd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, pp. S-13-3
Poudel, R.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2016) "Evaluation of building debris of Kathmandu Valley Nepal after Gorkha Earthquake and its potential treatment option." The 3rd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, pp. S-12-4
Hirai, Y.; Dien, NT.; Hashimoto, S.; Fujiki, Y.; Sakai, S. (2015) "Environmental Behavior and Pollution Prevention of Persistent Organic Pollutants." Presented at International Workshop on Waste Prevention & 3R 2015, Kyoto, Japan, November 11, 2015
橋本 匠平; 藤木 祐介; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2015) "大気PCB モニタリング調査のパネルデータ分析による発生源の検討." 第26回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集2015, pp. 515-516
藤木 祐介; 橋本 匠平; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2015) "PCB 廃棄物等の大気中PCB 濃度への寄与の推定." 第26回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集2015, pp. 513-514
Dien, N.T.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2015) "FACTORS INFLUENCING ATMOSPHERIC POLYBROMINATED DIPHENYL ETHERS." Proceedings of 35th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutions, pp. 19481
Dien NT.; Hirai Y.; Miyazaki T.; Sakai S. (2015) "Atmospheric Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Levels and Their Seasonal Changes in Kyoto City." Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Brominated Flame Retardants (BFR2015), pp. O-41
平井 康宏; 渡邊 洋祐; 酒井 伸一 (2015) "激甚災害で発生する廃棄物中の石綿含有物の発生量推計." Presented at 第3回石綿問題総合対策総合研究会, 東京都, February 1, 2015
平井 康宏; 渡邊 洋祐; 酒井 伸一 (2015) "石綿含有成形板の湿潤化方法による石綿飛散量の違い." Presented at 第3回石綿問題総合対策総合研究会, 東京都, January 31, 2015
Hirai, Y.; Hashimoto, S.; Sakai, S. (2014) "Emission sources of PCBs in Japan." Proceedings of International Conference of Asian Environmental Chemistry 2014, pp. 158
Sakai, S.; Yano, J.; Hirai, Y. (2014) "Energy recovery and greenhouse gas reduction potentials from municipal solid waste including food waste in Japan ." Presented at Proceedings Venice 2014, Fifth International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice, Italy, November 18, 2014
Fujimoto, Y.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2014) "Time Variation of the Biomass Fraction in Municipal Solid Waste Estimated by the 14C Method - based on Consecutive Sampling-." Presented at Fifth International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice, Italy, November 17, 2014
Hirai, Y. (2014) "Comparison of PCB emission sources in Japan." Presented at 8th PCB Workshop, Woods Hole, MA, U.S., October 5, 2014
橋本 匠平; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2014) "大気PCBの発生源に関する検討." 第25回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集2014, pp. 519-520
Hirai, Y. (2014) "Substance Flow Analysis of Nd and Dy in Japan." Presented at International Workshop on the Status and Future Perspectives on ELV Recycling 2014, Tokyo, Japan, September 11, 2014
Dien, NT.; Hira, Y.; Miyazaki, T.; Sakai, S. (2014) "Trends in atmospheric PBDE concentrations and their homologue profiles in Kyoto city and across Japan during 2000-2013." Proceedings of 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. 717
Nakanoya, S.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2014) "Solid Waste Management and Water Recovery for Further Manned Space Exploration." Environmental & Sanitary Engineering Research, No. 3: 73-76
Dien N. T.; Hirai Y.; Miyazaki T.; Sakai S. (2014) "Concentrations of Phosphorous Flame Retardants (PFRs) in atmosphere, bulk deposition, and soil in Kyoto, Japan." Proceedings of 23rd Symposium of Environmental Chemistry, pp. 305-306
橋本 匠平; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2014) "ポリ塩化ビフェニルの排出量と環境中濃度の空間分布推定." 第23回環境化学討論会要旨集, pp. 66-67
Dien N. T.; Hirai Y.; Yano J.; Sakai S. (2014) "DeBDE Demand and Disposal Flow in End-of-life Vehicle Management in Japan." Proceedings of 3RINCs and SWAPI 2014, pp. 2D-2-02
Hirai Y.; Fujimoto Y.; Sakai S. (2014) "Biomass Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste by 14C Method: Consecutive Sampling Over 25 Days." Proceedings of 3RINCs and SWAPI 2014, pp. 2C-2-03
Nobuhiro Kawabata; Yasuhiro Hirai; Shin-ichi Sakai; Misuzu Asari (2014) "Development of estimation method of asbestos-containing waste generation by an earthquake -The case in Sendai City in the East Japan Great Earthquake-." Proceedings of 3RINCs and SWAPI 2014, pp. P1-29
松田 健士; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2014) "廃棄物発生抑制のConsequential LCAの枠組み~食品ロス削減に着目して." 第9回日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集, pp. 354-355
平井 康宏; 渡邊 洋祐; 川端 信裕; 酒井 伸一 (2014) "成形板破砕時の石綿繊維飛散量定量化試験方法の検討." Presented at 第2回石綿問題総合対策総合研究会, 東京都, February 1, 2014
藤本 祐希; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2013) "14C法による都市ごみ中バイオマス割合の時間的変動の推定." 第24回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集2013, pp. 437-438
渡邊 洋祐; 川端 信裕; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2013) "成形板破砕時の石綿繊維飛散量定量化試験方法の検討." 第24回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集2013, pp. 639-640
川端 信裕; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一; 浅利 美鈴 (2013) "仙台市をモデルケースとした石綿含有建材ストック量の推計." 第24回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集2013, pp. 637-638
平井 康宏; 藤本 祐希; 酒井 伸一 (2013) "日本における都市ごみ中バイオマスの14C/12C比率推定." 第24回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集2013, pp. 49-50
Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Tsubota, J.; Sakai, S. (2013) "SCENARIO ANALYSIS FOR RECYCLING SYSTEM OF BIOMASS-BASED PLASTIC CONTAINERS AND PACKAGING FROM HOUSEHOLD." Presented at ISWA 2013 World Congress, Vienna, Austria, October 9, 2013
Hirai, Y.; Seta, J.; Fujimoto, Y.; Sakai, S. (2013) "ESTIMATION OF 14C/12C RATIO IN WASTE PAPER SUBSTANCE FLOW ANALYSIS." Presented at Sardinia 2013, Fourteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italy, October 3, 2013
渡邊洋祐; 川端信裕; 平井康宏; 酒井伸一 (2013) "石綿含有成形板の撤去時における石綿繊維飛散性の分析." 第22回環境化学討論会講演要旨集, pp. 104-105
矢野順也; 平井康宏; 酒井伸一 (2013) "中小規模排出源に着目した厨芥類の発生量分布." 環境衛生工学研究, No. 3: 196-199
Sakai, S.; Hirai, Y.; Misuzu, A. (2013) "International Comparative Study on Policy Developments of 3R and Waste Management, and Integration with Chemical Control Systems." The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia Pacific Islands, pp. 229-232
Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai,S. (2013) "Substance Flow Analysis of Lead contained in End-of-Life Vehicles in Japan." The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia Pacific Islands , pp. 117-120
Bastian, L.; Hirai, Y.; Yano, J.; Sakai, S. (2013) "System analysis of biogenic waste treatment by considering applicable options." The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia Pacific Islands, pp. 185-188
Hirai, Y.; Seta, J.; Sakai, S. (2012) "Substance Flow Analysis of 14C in Wood, Construction Materials and Houses." Proceedings of EcoBalance2012, pp. P.159
Yano, J.; Asari, M.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2012) "CO2 Reduction and Energy Cost by the Use of Wood Pellet and Solar Heating for Air Conditioning System at Kyoto University." Proceedings of EcoBalance2012, pp. P.139
桜井 健太; 平井 康宏; 浅利 美鈴; 酒井 伸一 (2012) "循環指標に関するアンケート調査の手法間結果比較と傾向スコア法を用いた補正のための共変量の探索." 第23回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 55-56
矢野 順也; 平井 康宏; 坪田 潤; 酒井 伸一 (2012) "プラスチック製容器包装処理システムにポリ乳酸素材への転換が及ぼす温室効果ガス削減効果に関するシナリオ分析." 第23回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 99-100
瀬田寿一郎; 平井康宏; 酒井伸一 (2012) "建築廃木材中の14C 比率推定." 第23回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 101-102
川端 信裕; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2012) "石綿含有成形板の破砕実験による石綿飛散状況の把握." 第23回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 557-558
川端信裕; 平井康宏; 酒井伸一 (2012) "石綿含有建材除去作業期間中の気中石綿濃度~京都大学工学部8号館における事例~." 環境衛生工学研究, 3: 124-127
矢野 順也; 浅利 美鈴; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2012) "エコキャンパスの実現に向けた再生可能エネルギーを利用した空調システム実証データの解析." 環境衛生工学研究, 3: 116-119
矢野 順也; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2012) "プラスチック製容器包装のバイオマス素材への転換と処理・利用システムのライフサイクルCO2比較分析." 第7回日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集, pp. 48-49
Yano, J.; Asari, M.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai,S. (2012) "The Use of Regional Renewable Energy from Waste Forest Thinning and Solar Heating for an Air Conditioning System at Kyoto University." The 10th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia Pacific Islands, pp. 133-140
Bastian, L.; Hirai, Y.; Yano, J.; Sakai, S. (2012) "Impact of soil cover on PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in open dumping sites." 10th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia Pacific Islands, pp. 242-252
江口 剛史; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2011) "ヘキサブロモシクロドデカン(HBCDs)の異性体別曝露モデルに関する研究." 廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, 22: 509-510
桜井 健太; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2011) "循環指標に関するインターネット調査の傾向スコア法による補正." 廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, 22: 37-38
平井 康宏; 水嶋 周一; 酒井 伸一 (2011) "石綿含有成形板の破砕試験による解体時飛散係数の推定." 廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, 22: 495-496
Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai,S. (2011) "Greenhouse Gas Reduction Focused on Utilization and Treatment of Biomass-based Plastics in Household Waste." Proceedings of 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), pp. 301-311
Bastian, L.; Hirai, Y.; Yano, J.; Sakai, S. (2011) "Scenario Analysis of Biogenic Waste Management for Climate ChangeMitigation: Case Studies in Surabaya and Kyoto ." Proceedings of 2011 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), pp. 157-166
Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai,S. (2011) "Life cycle analysis of waste management focused on waste categories and treatment methods." the proceedings of the Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, pp. 33-34
Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S.; Matsuda, Y. (2011) "Biomass fraction of municipal solid waste determined by 14C method." the proceedings of the Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, pp. 265-266
平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2011) "14C 法による都市ごみのバイオマス度測定." 第6回日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集, pp. 320-321
矢野 順也; 松田 健士; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2011) "バイオプラスチックへの素材転換による都市ごみのGHG削減効果." 第6回日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集, pp. 202-203
Bastian, L.; Hirai, Y.; Yano, J.; Sakai, S. (2011) "Integrated Chanllenges for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Indonesia: Scenario Analysis for Surabaya." The 8th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands, pp. 320-327
Yano, J.; Hirai, Y.; Deguchi, S.; Nakamura, K.; Miura, T.; Sakai, S. (2011) "Life Cycle Analysis of Integrated Waste Biomass Utilization from Municipal Solid Waste - Case Study in Kyoto." The 8th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands, pp. 108-115
Hirai, Y.; Eguchi, T.; Sakai, S. (2010) "Development of Environmental Fate Model for Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) with Isomerisation Process." Presented at The 4th Workshop on Reduction of Unintentional POPs in East Asian Countries, Tokyo, Japan, December 15, 2010
池松 達人; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2010) "産業廃棄物税導入による廃棄物の種類別減量リサイクル効果に関するパネルデータ分析." 廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, 21: 53-54
平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2010) "炭素同位体比による都市ごみ中バイオマス炭素比率の測定." 廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, 21: 111-112
水嶋 周一; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2010) "吹付けアスベスト除去費用簡易推計モデルの構築." 廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, 21: 565-566
Takigami, H.; Suzuki, G.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2010) "Occurrence of organophosphate flame retardants and plasticizers in a laundry factory for home and office cleaning tools." Organohalogen Compounds, 72: 941-943
Hirai, Y.; Eguchi, T.; Sakai, S. (2010) "Development of environmental fate model for hexabromocyclododecanes(HBCDS) with isomerisation process." Organohalogen Compounds, 72: 820-821
江口 剛史; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2010) "ヘキサブロモシクロドデカン(HBCDs)の異性体別環境動態モデル." 環境化学討論会講演要旨集, 19: 250-251
Takigami, H.; Suzuki, G.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2010) "Occurrence and Control of Brominated Flame Retardants in a Laundry Factory for Home and Office Cleaning Utensils." Presented at BFR2010, Kyoto, Japan, April 7, 2010
Hirai, Y.; Eguchi, T.; Sakai, S. (2010) "Development of Environmental Fate Model for Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) with Isomerisation Process." Presented at BFR2010, Kyoto, Japan, April 7, 2010
Aizawa, H.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2010) "Development of Japanese Recycling Policy for Electric Home Appliances by the Addition of Plastics Recycling." Presented at BFR2010, Kyoto, Japan, April 7, 2010
水嶋 周一; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2009) "吹付けアスベストの除去工事実績に基づく費用及び削減リスクの推定." 廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集, 20: 537-538
Hirai, Y.; Sato, S.; Sakai, S (2009) "Intake Fractions of PBDEs and PBDD/DFs." Organohalogen Compounds, 71: 000910-000915
Sakai, S.; Hirai, Y.; Deguchi, S.; Nakamura, K. (2008) "Technology Developments on Hydrogen Production from Biomass and Waste in Japan." Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Combustion, Incineration/ Pyrolysis and Emission Control, pp. 779-784
Nakamura, K.; Hori, H.; Deguchi, S.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2008) "A System Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Reduction for the Bio-cycle Project in Kyoto." Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Combustion, Incineration/ Pyrolysis and Emission Control, pp. 767-772
Hirai, Y.; Asari, M.; Sakai, S (2008) "Species-specific intake fractions for mercury." Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on EcoBalance, pp. 57-60
平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2008) "平成19年度廃棄物学会論文賞受賞者講演 自動車用鉛バッテリーの静脈フロー推定." 廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集, 19: 16-18
Tadami, Y.; Komura, T.; Tashiro, Y.; Miyazaki, T.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2008) "Polybrominated dibenzo-p-doxins and dibenzofurans (PBDDs/DFs) released from the production and related facilities of brominated flame retardants." Organohalogen Compounds, 70: 002420-002423
Hirai, Y.; Sato, S.; Sakai, S (2008) "Impact of PBDD/DFs in lifecycle assessments on recycling of TV cabinet back covers." Organohalogen Compounds, 70: 001418-001421
Hirai, Y.; Sato, S.; Sakai, S. (2007) "Life Cycle Assessments on Recycling of TV Cabinet Back Covers Containing Brominated Flame Retardants." Proceedings of the fourth NIES workshop on e-waste, pp. 31-38
Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2007) "Life Cycle Assessments on Recycling of TV Cabinet Back Covers Containing Brominated Flame Retardants." Organohalogen Compounds, 69:
Takigami, H.; Suzuki, G.; Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2007) "Comparison of brominated flame retardants in indoor air and dust samples from two homes in Japan." Organohalogen Compounds, 69:
平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2007) "再生プラスチック製品中の臭素系難燃剤の起源について." 環境化学討論会講演要旨集, 16: 162-163
佐藤 俊一; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2007) "臭素系難燃剤に着目した廃テレビリサイクルのライフサイクルアセスメント." 環境化学討論会講演要旨集, 16: 160-161
Hirai, Y.; Sakai, S. (2007) "Brominated Flame Retardants in Recycled Plastic Products." Presented at BFR 2007, Amsterdam, April 24, 2007
平井 康宏; 柿沼 公二; 出口 晋吾; 酒井伸一 (2006) "温室効果ガスを考慮したバイオ資源・廃棄物等の最適利用システムに関するケーススタディ." 廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集, 17: 284-286
宮島 章; 浅利 美鈴; 平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2006) "Cdのサブスタンスフロー解析と充電池内蔵製品の廃棄行動についてのアンケート調査." 廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集, 17: 59-61
平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2006) "自動車用鉛バッテリーの静脈フロー推定." 廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集, 17: 56-58
Yasuhiro Hirai; Shin-ichi Sakai (2006) "Comparative LCA of Reuse and Incineration of Waste Woods Contaminated with Chlordane." Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on EcoBalance, pp. 785-786
平井 康宏; 酒井 伸一 (2006) "自動車用鉛バッテリーの廃棄行動と物質フロー推定." 第34回環境システム研究論文発表会講演集, pp. 169-172
平井 康宏; 野馬 幸生; 酒井 伸一 (2006) "クロルデン汚染廃木材の再利用と焼却処理の比較リスク評価." 環境化学討論会講演要旨集, 15: 438-439
酒井 伸一; 平井 康宏; 浅利 美鈴 (2007) "蛍光管に含有される水銀のライフサイクル挙動と循環システムに関する研究." 平成18年度廃棄物処理等科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 循環廃棄過程を含めた水銀の排出インベントリーと排出削減に関する研究, 第3章: 74-94